Friday, September 6, 2013

A Reflection From A Medical Writer

I have arrived, yet another day at work as a medical writer...I sit down at my desk, prioritize my deadlines, and turn on my computer eager to uncover the answers and find the words to help improve the health outcomes of others.
I have 8.5 hours to educate patients about a novel treatment option for their recurrent brain cancer; parents about a medicine that can help their babies breathe as they lay helpless in the NICU; and young children about the risks of high blood pressure and what it means to take part in a clinical trial. Is this possible?  I often come across as overwhelmed, which I am, but overwhelmed with anticipation as I contemplate how each of these audiences will respond to the content I reveal about their condition. I read through the clinical data, the published journal articles, and prescribing information. I struggle to find the patient-friendly, yet clinically accurate terms that will communicate each of these disease states and treatment options. I have an important job.

Each and every day I am tasked with finding common ground between brand objectives; medical, legal, regulatory reviews; financial scope; healthcare provider initiatives; and the needs of patients and caregivers. Who is my audience I ask? How can we all benefit from the words I choose to educate about a specific condition or treatment? How do I empower patients in one sentence, yet tell them to always talk to their doctor in the next? There are so many considerations, so many consequences to take into account and I think to myself, is it possible to adhere to my true purpose and passion in motivate patients to take control of their health.

My contemplation becomes an affirmative reality when months later I walk into my OB/GYN's office to see my words explaining the menstrual cycle posted on the wall. And when I hear the nurse educators describe the positive impact of a teaching easel I wrote about brain cancer and the success of a diabetes book for kids encouraging them to make healthy choices that went digital. The many hours of researching, writing, and collaborating with my colleagues and clients pays off. 

I am not alone in my motivation to help others. I work with a team of very passionate and dedicated people who discuss, develop, and design the most impactful patient and professional education with the end-user in mind. My words are only the beginning. I am amazed by what transforms with the artistic insight of our graphic designers, medical illustrators, and medical animators. My words come to life. Together we tell a story. A story that is accurate, insightful, and inviting. A story that will make a positive difference in the lives of others. 

All in a day's work!

Lynn Altmaier, BS, BSN, RN, MSc
                                                                                                                  Senior Medical Writer at AHE

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